Monday 20 October 2014

Villa Farnesina

Located in Via della Lungara, 230

Built in the early sixteenth century and designed by Bramante's pupil, Baldassarre Peruzzi, this villa represents a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance. In 1511 Villa Farnesina was designed for Agostino Chigi, a wealthy Sienese banker, who had decided to build it for his lover.
The magnificent Villa is situated in the central neighborhood of Trastevere and consists of a central structure with a five archway loggia that unfolds into two sections that are laid out on six different floors. What is spectacular are the beautiful Italian gardens outside of the Villa which represent an almost natural continuation of the Villa.
Raphael's breathtaking frescos are painted on the walls of the loggia, depicting a beautiful mythological fresco of Cupid and Psyche. Moreover, you will find frescos of Sebastiano del Piompo, Giulio Romano, Giovanni Bazzi, Giovan Francesco Penni and Baldassarre Peruzzi. You will have the opportunity to visit the Loggia of Galatea, Loggia of Cupid and Psyche, Hall of Perspectives, Alexander and Roxane's room and the Room of the Frieze. Each room will astonish you and will show you the real meaning of Italian Renaissance.
Villa Farnesina takes its name from Cardinal Alessandro Farnese who bought the villa at the end of the 16th century. The Villa was left unfinished by Agostino Chigi and in the 17th century, Gaspard Dughet   concluded the decorations. Villa Farnesina is without a doubt a beautiful architectural and artistic masterpiece and should not be missed. Enjoy!

+39 0668027268
+39 0668027397


Closed on Sundays/holidays
Monday-Saturday from 9am-2pm
On the second Sunday of each month special opening from 9am-5pm with guided tours

Private tours can be arranged with a minimum of 30 people

Full price: 6 Euros (from 18-65 years)
Reduced price: 5 Euros (from 14-18 years, over 65, teachers)
Schools: 3 Euros
Garden visit: 2 Euros

Location: Via della Lungara, 230, 00165 Rome, Italy


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