Monday 8 April 2013

Villa Borghese

You can enter this villa from many places, a central one is the entrance from Piazza del Popolo, from the Pincio.

The bad weather is starting to go away, the warm temperatures are starting to come back and more importantly, the sun has started to come back in our days.
What does this call for? Well, staying at home and watching a movie during the day under your warm covers may seem appealing, but there is something much better to do.
We're in Rome, and when a day is sunny we don't like to stay in, we like to go to a Villa. And when I say villa, I'm not talking about a house with a pool, I'm talking about the extensive gardens of Villa Borghese, Villa Ada, Villa Glori, Villa Balestra and all the other Villa's that are open to the public. This nice weather really does call for a visit in one of these magnificent parks.
You can do whatever you like: be with your partner and joke around while laying on the soft grass, or having a picnic, or renting some segways and going around Villa Borghese.
There are tons of things you can do on a sunny day.
You could just go on the Pincio and look at Rome, and when it starts to get a bit before dinner, you can enjoy an aperitivo in one of the bars or maybe at Casina Valadier. You can even go to the Bio Park in Villa Borghese and look at the animals if that's what you like. Just don't stay in, go enjoy the sun and the nice season in one of these beautiful Villas.

Location: Villa Borghese, Rome, Italy


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